In the series so far, we looked at the overall state of blockchain in the Energy Industry, the technology, the impact of Energy Policy & Regulation and many of the elephants in the room got called out.

Now given the dose of realism we’ve been dishing out so far, you might be starting to wonder if there is any future for blockchain in the energy industry. There is. And to prove it, in episodes 5, 6 & 7 we’re going to hear directly from people who are out there today, building businesses in the energy industry, using blockchain as a key enabling technology for their solutions.

For episode 6 join me, Kevin O'Donovan, as I chat with Dave Martin, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Power Ledger to hear what's going on in the real world ...

Energy Singularity - The Event Horizon Podcast

In the series so far, we looked at the overall state of blockchain in the Energy Industry, the technology, the impact of Energy Policy & Regulation and many of the elephants in the room got called out.

Now given the dose of realism we’ve been dishing out so far, you might be starting to wonder if there is any future for blockchain in the energy industry. There is. And to prove it, in episodes 5, 6 & 7 we’re going to hear directly from people who are out there today, building businesses in the energy industry, using blockchain as a key enabling technology for their solutions.

For episode 6, welcome Dave Martin, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Power Ledger to hear what's going on in the real world …
Now please give us a review, subscribe to receive future episodes and please do join the conversation to share your thoughts with us via social media …

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References for this episode…

For info on Power Ledger visit

To contact Dave Martin

Twitter - @DavdMartn

LinkedIn :

To contact Kevin O’Donovan

Twitter - @Kevin_ODonovan

LinkedIn –

And see you all in Berlin this June …