Raimi and Ladislaw talk with Hafstead about a raft of recent legislative proposals in the US Congress to price greenhouse gas emissions: the major design elements of these bills, including the proposed carbon price; how revenues are used; how border adjustments can help protect US manufacturers; the political viability of these different proposals, including which policy elements might help build support for carbon price; and whether other policy approaches, such as a Clean Energy Standard, stand more of a chance in today's political environment.
References and recommendations:
The Wizard and the Prophet by Charles C. Mann
Paying for Pollution: Why a Carbon Tax is Good for America by Gilbert E. Metcalf
"Paying for Pollution, with Gilbert Metcalf" Resources Radio podcast episode

Raimi and Ladislaw talk with Hafstead about a raft of recent legislative proposals in the US Congress to price greenhouse gas emissions: the major design elements of these bills, including the proposed carbon price; how revenues are used; how border adjustments can help protect US manufacturers; the political viability of these different proposals, including which policy elements might help build support for carbon price; and whether other policy approaches, such as a Clean Energy Standard, stand more of a chance in today's political environment.


References and recommendations:

The Wizard and the Prophet by Charles C. Mann

Paying for Pollution: Why a Carbon Tax is Good for America by Gilbert E. Metcalf

"Paying for Pollution, with Gilbert Metcalf" Resources Radio podcast episode