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Marc has more than 20 years of experience within the government and corporate domains, as well as the realms of social justice, non-profit, and development work across the globe.

A Researcher and Transformation Specialist, Marc’s work has allowed him to address executives, boards, teams and entire organizations on the subjects of the Transformation and Change, Unlocking Potential and Resilience, and The Practice of Leadership.

He is as comfortable doing a Keynote for an audience of 5,000 as speaking to teams within an organization.

He has over 18 years of experience within the corporate domain, non-profit and development work, federal and tribal government organizations across the globe.

From leading executive teams in Costa Rica, Mexico, Thailand, and in the states, Marc’s experience varies from working as a facilitator for federal and tribal government organizations to developing engagement strategies for nonprofit and city municipalities and developing performance-training modules High Performing teams.

Whether as Keynote Speaker, Workshop Facilitator his commitment is to unlock potential, co-design a clear path forward, and move people into purposeful momentum.



The post Palm Springs with Marc Payan: Places of Endurance appeared first on Endurance Town.

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