The post Briar Rose • RUNNING ACROSS AMERICA mini series appeared first on Endurance Town.

Thank you for joining us in our new mini-series “Running Across America,” featuring the stories of 4 diverse American Trans-Continental Runners, all motivated for different reasons to run across the United States of America.

We will explore the who, when, what, and why of their stories and help listeners inspire a spark deep within themselves to discover ‘what is possible.’

Briar Rose of Florida: “The Running Rose,” who is currently running (she is in Iowa as of the posting of this podcast) and at age 15 is the youngest person ever to attempt the crossing. 

When she succeeds, she will set a Guinness World Record! 

Supported by her parents and raising money for, Briar is wise for her age and more motivated than most of America right now combined. 

Follow Briar Rose’s Progress


Meet the Hosts

Samantha Pruitt

Host & Co-Founder

Co-Founder & Host of the Endurance Town USA Podcast. Founder/CEO of Race SLO, the largest participatory endurance event company on the California Central Coast. Excouch Potato turned Coach, Ultra Runner and Ironman. 

Learn More

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Shan Riggs


Shan is a 41-year-old ultramarathon runner and sponsorship marketing professional. He’s completed 45 ultramarathon races—winning several—and, has 20 years of sponsorship consulting experience, working with major brands and properties of all types. 


The post Briar Rose • RUNNING ACROSS AMERICA mini series appeared first on Endurance Town.