(Time stamps below) Get to know a passed champion Xron trying to fight his way back and a new up and comer from Australia zenaku!  

0:00 Introductions 

1:20 Zenaku, at what point did you start with Quake? 

2:20 Zenaku, how was it being in the shadow of some of the more well known Australian pros like dandaking and Steej? 

4:50 Xron, tell us abit about your background in games with CS and Quake 

5:50 Xron, you went from being a player that would just show up and take maps of people like Evil and then disappearing, Quake Champions you have been a constant near the top, what changed? 

7:00 Av3k, when did you first start hearing about zenaku and Xron and how did your relationships start to grow? 

11:20 Zenaku, moved from Australia to Poland to play QPL (and why with Lure) and you played both EU and NA, tell us about the situation 

13:30 How does the high ping playing from EU to NA effect you? 

14:40 Av3k, is zenaku the perfect practice partner as you do not play week on week against each other and both living in Poland? 

17:56 Xron, started so strong this year with Quakecon 2019 and first few stages, what happened with Stage 3 to drop you out of QPL? 

22:20 Xron, into the finals of Challenger, what are your expectations and hoping for a good Stage 4 finals? 

23:20 Zenaku, you have been defending your QPL spot and fighting to get in, how does it differ mentally? 

27:20 Is there a difference between the new comers and the old guys that have been around for a decade in terms of experience and hunger to win? 

30:40 Zenaku, as a new comer what was your practice schedule like to help you improve so quickly? 

35:00 Whats your thoughts on nutrition and health with competing in Quake? 

36:00 Playing without food helps me (Av3k) thoughts? 

38:20 Is there a specific game that stands out to you that feels like it was a turning point for you to becoming a good player?

42:00 Av3k vs COOLER show match when Av3k was 14/15, big turning point taking a map and with polish fans 

44:50 Mental game, how has it improved over the years? 

53:30 What changes would you like to see if there is a second year of QPL? 

59:45 Zenaku and Xron, would you guys play dioabotical or want to concentrate on Quake? 

1:02:05 Do you guys both thing toxjq is the best at aim and how do you find playing him? 

1:05:30 Who are the better players in combat skills alone? Q&A 

1:08:55 Why is Xron's rail pillow pink? 

1:10:00 Any news on Stage 4 finals, online or LAN? 

1:11:35 Any champion that needs changing for balance? 

1:13:30 Have any of you tried out the new map on pts Tower of Koth? 

1:15:50 As a pro player how can you improve your mechanical skill? 

1:18:40 Xron, do you use low sensitivity like you did in CS? 

1:20:30 What do you use for jump binds and key binds in general? 

1:23:20 Who would you guys partner up with in 2v2? 

1:24:20 Av3k, it seems you counter base better than anyone else, is there a reason for this? 

1:25:30 Do you guys think that sharing the same language is a huge advantage in duel modes or do you think people know enough English? (funny base story)  

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