Mary Czarnecki joins me to talk about issues that marketers face. As we both train for the Association of National Advertisers, we see a lot of similar issues in marketing departments across the spectrum.
We've found that most of the problems are not unique! In fact, the vast majority of problems, frustrations, and difficulties are universal experiences.
So lay back on the couch with a cup of coffee and listen in to a bit of therapy. Things will get better!
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Mary Czarnecki joins me to talk about issues that marketers face. As we both train for the Association of National Advertisers, we see a lot of similar issues in marketing departments across the spectrum.

We've found that most of the problems are not unique! In fact, the vast majority of problems, frustrations, and difficulties are universal experiences.

So lay back on the couch with a cup of coffee and listen in to a bit of therapy. Things will get better!

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit