Topics for this show are bad blowjobs (and how a diligent cocksucker can avoid giving one), as well as the plight of a woman who's not quite sure she's ever had an orgasm. Shara has a great time describing what an orgasm feels like for her, and we'd like to ask all the ladies in the audience to help out as well by doing their best to describe the physical sensations that make up an orgasm for you.

This episode marks the second anniversary of Ending The Sexual Dark Age, and we're thrilled to be starting a fresh year for the show. is now being updated daily with funny sex pics, sex and sexual health news, Shara's choice of daily hottie pics, at least one guy and one girl per day, and other fun stuff to help us put at least one smile a day on your face.

All the sex-positive awesomeness now appearing on the website will also be appearing on our new Facebook page, so please stop by and "Like" it next time you have a chance.

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