Does ASEAN truly matter? Is it still relevant? What important issues we must address at the upcoming summit?

Join Scot Marciel, former US Ambassador to Myanmar and Indonesia, unravel the geopolitical evolution of the Southeast Asian countries and how it has been unfolding in their relationship with the US—hosted by Gita Wirjawan: entrepreneur, educator, and currently a visiting scholar at Stanford University at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC).

Scot Marciel is an Oksenberg-Rohlen Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, as well as Visiting Scholar and Visiting Practitioner Fellow on Southeast Asia at APARC. He is widely considered the State Department’s top Southeast Asia hand and has a key role in shaping and implementing US policy.

#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #ScotMarciel

Recorded at Stanford University on October 27, 2022.


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