Episode 194: The Walton Experience 

On 11/5/1975 a group of loggers in the mountains of northeastern Arizona observed a strange, unusually bright light in the sky. One of them, Travis Walton, recklessly left the safety of their truck to take a closer look. Suddenly, as he walked toward the light, Walton was blasted back by a bolt of mysterious energy. His companions fled in fear. When they reported an encounter with a UFO--something they would have considered impossible if they had not witnessed it themselves--the men were suspected of murder. For five days authorities mounted a massive manhunt in search of Walton or his body.

Then Walton reappeared, disoriented & initially unable to tell the whole story of his terrifying encounter. In Fire in the Sky Travis Walton relates in his own words the best-documented account of alien abduction yet recorded, the story of his harrowing ordeal at the hands of silent captors & his return to a disbelieving world of hostile interrogators, exploitative press & self-styled debunkers. Travis recounts the struggle to get a fair hearing & confronts his detractors with a stinging rebuttal.


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