Episode 199: Human Origins 

Researchers have uncovered archeological evidence suggesting that mankind maybe millions of years older than previously thought. This controversial field of forbidden archeology provides a new perspective to an age-old question. Author Michael Cremo shares his groundbreaking research that challenges the Darwinian evolution theory.

Michael A. Cremo is an independent historian of archeology who argues that humans have lived on the earth for billions of years. He is best known for being the author of Forbidden Archeology, and co-author of The Hidden History of the Human Race with Richard L. Thompson.

What are our history books leaving out? The origin of mankind is a greatly contested issue in recent times. Researcher Michael Cremo, the author of Forbidden Archeology, is defying Darwin as he brings forth another challenge to the prevailing theory of evolution. He explains his theory that mankind is a lot older of a species than we may have previously thought. He supports his theory with archeological research and the sacred historical writings from the Vedic wisdom tradition.


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