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Marshall Masters EP.86

Marshall analyzes the June 2023 fireball data and earthquake occurrences. They observe an increase in multistate fireballs, particularly in huge event fireballs, while the overall monthly fireball count is the lowest since 2019. The author suggests the presence of another gap in the Nemesis cloud, with September being a crucial month to monitor for this trend. Regarding earthquakes, the data shows a steady increase in earthquakes from March to June 2023 compared to the previous year, prompting curiosity about the forthcoming July and August numbers.

In the second article, titled "The Jab: A Six-Part Series for Vaccinated Regret," Marshall Masters, a former CNN Science Feature Field Producer, presents a six-part series targeting those who regret being vaccinated with the COVID mRNA bioweapon. Each episode focuses on different aspects, including the media's role, preventive measures, the involvement of political figures like Donald Trump, and the potential consequences of vaccination. Masters shares his own experience with a preventive regimen called the Zelenko Protocol. The series aims to provide alternative perspectives and solutions beyond official narratives for those seeking guidance in their post-vaccination journey.

"Beginning in the early days of Covid, governments, and cartels have continuously suppressed all alternative facts and solutions. That was a bleak time, and the suppression continues, but now, good men and women of science and medicine are making real progress in the search for mitigation solutions. In the meantime, the immediate goal for the vaccinated is to buy time, and Marshall offers immediately valuable tips and self-help resources for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated."


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