Episode 162: 50 Shades of Greys 

 Raymond Szymanski joined Michael & Mike Rogers, on the program.  Ray discussed his background and what initially lead him to his career.  Classic ufo cases were discussed along with, the legitimacy of the talk conference circuit.  This will not be one to miss.

Respected Scientist, Paranormal Researcher, Author, Public Speaker

"I worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for nearly 40 years and retired in 2011 as a Senior Scientist/Engineer. During my decades of studying the UFO phenomena I encountered an excess of poorly researched and documented narrative certain to confuse and discourage anyone interested in the topic. My mission is to present original, first-person research and documented evidence that launches others into their own quest for the truth."

"My first book, Fifty Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond has been lauded by several of the world's best paranormal researchers, Nick Pope, Yvonne Smith, Paul Davids and Preston Dennett, who say: " A fun and informative book." "Praise for Fifty Shades." "Important to UFOlogy." "Laugh out loud funny." Their full endorsements are published on the back cover of the book".


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