Episode 128: 21 Faces

Whistleblower Michael Fitzhugh Bell is a victim of what is referred to as an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (U.S.A.P.) created by the United States Government, believed to be part of the Military Black Ops portion of the Shadow Government.

Bell is victimized through the illegal misuse of advanced nanotechnology, biomedical devices embedded throughout his body, using clandestine Government Classified Technologies. The first book demonstrated this and used actual verified Doctors reports and documented medical images to prove this fact.

Bell is under constant attack by Bioelectronic Torture Weapons, 24/7, in a non-stop assault on his life, fighting on the front lines of this battle of survival all day, everyday.

In this ongoing account, the author discloses details and unveils an evil truth hidden in plain sight.

Robert Bonomo is a film maker, blogger, novelist and esotericist. He has lived and worked in Madrid, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, Kamchatka, Miami, Valencia, Cartagena, New York, Luoyang, China and a few other not so interesting places.

Robert has been published in some of the leading alternative media sites including Counterpunch, LewRockwell.com, Global Research.com, Information Clearing House, Activist Post, Business Insider, Pravda, RINF, Astrological News Service, The Mountain Astrologer.


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