Episode 184: A Moment Of Clarity

In what turned out to be an incredibly in-depth interview, He discussed his life and trials and tribulations. He also revealed something that he has never once has spoken about, trust me this is something you will never hear him talk about again. Max continues to inspire those around him near and far. Max talked about 5G, President Trump, Society & Jeffrey Epstein.

MAX IGAN is a researcher, truth seeker, radio host, film-maker and one of the leaders of the global awakening movement. This man is a must listen to for all those serious about stopping the NWO in its tracks. His real given name remains anonymous and his second name is Maxwell. His last name also remains anonymous.

The pen-name Max Igan that he has become known by is a combination of his middle name and his sons’ middle name. As a matter of interest, Igan is the original Irish spelling of the name Ian, and no, he does not have any Irish roots, he just liked the name. He decided upon the name Max Igan as his pen-name & internet identity as a tribute to his son and as a dedication to him. Any and all the work he has done on the internet he has done mainly for him, first and foremost.

The Second Half Featured Mr. John Olsen.

Author John E Olsen lives in beautiful northern Utah.   He resides on the far north side of Cache Valley in Lewiston with his wife and three kids. He enjoys the outdoors and spending his time with his family.

John was born and raised in Cache Valley.  At the age of 8 he began to realize that the home he lived in was peculiar. His parents still own the old farm house, built in the mid 1880’s. Strange experiences such as phantom knocks, loud boots running the stairs and missing objects became common place for him as he grew up.  With each run in with what he called the “man in the hat”, John’s interest in the paranormal grew. He was forbidden by his parents from telling anyone of his experiences for fear of what others in the small community would think.

He found solace in learning everything he could about his encounters from library books. As he reached his teen years, his friends would visit his home and have experiences of their own.  This opened the door for him into tell others of his experiences. As he shared his extraordinary stories, friends of friends came to him sharing stories of their brush with the supernatural.

Fueled by his own experiences with the unknown, John has spent the last 25 years interviewing and documenting first-hand accounts of those who have witnessed all kinds of strange and unusual phenomena in the western United States. The Stranger Bridgerland series contains firsthand accounts of everything from ghosts, monsters and hauntings, to glitches in the matrix, Sasquatch and UFO’s.


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