Episode 173: Armageddon

Marshall joined the program to talk about the latest with his "signs 38 series".  “There is no doubt that there are stowaways in the Beta Taurids’ stream. However, the question is, how did they get there?” The answer is that we’re seeing a merging of the Nemesis cloud and the Beta Taurid swarm. Consequently, Earth is being pummeled by an unusually large amount of “asteroid dust” as the astronomers call it which is forcing noctilucent clouds below the Arctic into regions where we should not be seeing these clouds.  Also a very emotional caller phoned in, we thank her tremendously for her call. 

Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including: sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining - a noble and inspiring Star Trek future.

The Second half featured Mimi Johnson who describes herself as an accidental entrepreneur.  She has a patent on cannabis seed oil, she has set out to save the planet. She vows not to get involved with those linked to Monsanto.


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