Episode 159: Planet X

 Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events, and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble and inspiring Star Trek future. 

Marshall walks us through his extensive background. Marshall’s main focus is “how are people going to survive, what’s coming”. Marshall is bringing awareness, his new 3 part series “Two Suns in the sky”. A calming video, although This is The End Of Life As We know it. How Can We Prepare for what is to come, Hide in A Bunker? Preparedness is a state of mind Marshall reminds us. Will a bunker keep you safe? The possibility of an EMP attack or solar flare is beyond reality. 

Many have heard about Q and The Great Awakening and but only now are we seeing a Planet X connection and its good news for humankind. This is because as the Great Awakening unfolds, this global movement will dramatically change the future in terms of who lives and who dies during and after the upcoming Planet X flyby. 


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