Episode 110: Verisimilitude

JOSHUA FREE is the prolific writer of many books, anthology editions and personal reprints via the Mardukite Truth Seeker Press. He is also the founder of the Mardukite Research Organization (2008) and the Systemological Society (2011). First made public from the underground scene as a teenage ‘Merlyn Stone’ in the 1990’s with the “Sorcerer’s Handbook” (now celebrating its 20th Anniversary in a commemorative edition), the more recent work by Joshua Free has gone on to include not only practical occultism, magic and mysticism, but also the Sumerian Anunnaki, secrets of Babylon (“Mardukites”), Mesopotamian history, Pheryllt Druidism, Celtic-Druid Elven-Faerie spirituality, the Dragon Legacy, Ancient Aliens Theory, the Next Generation (NexGen) Evolution and more!



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