Episode 203: SOLAR WARDEN

Jo-Ann Richards is the Executive Director of educational non-profit, Earth Defense Headquarters. Her husband, Mark Richards, and his father, Ellis Loyd Richards, were involved with top-level military intelligence operations since World War II, many including on-world and off-world contact and battles with various alien species. Jo-Ann herself got started in this field after she’d been with Mark for several years. He gave her some reports to read related to his involvement with top-secret space and alien-related missions. 

In 2004 he suggested she go to a UFO conference. The next year she had a booth at it. Marks' family history includes some very interesting bloodlines and personal connections. Both of his grandfathers worked with Nikola Tesla. Grandfather Richards worked on the Manhattan Project. Marks' father spent summers with Tesla, Goddard, and Hubble. Both he and Mark were involved with top-secret things since they were teens. It runs in the family. In 1984, Mark was falsely convicted of murder and has been incarcerated ever since. The family now believes it was to keep him quiet about what he knows and to keep him from fighting the New World Order. 

Jo-Ann speaks about her knowledge of military operations and secret meetings that both these men were involved with. She shares information about numerous alien species, the secret space fleet, and battles with aliens on-and off-world. Jo-Ann has been a guest on numerous radio and TV shows as well as a presenter at several conferences in the US and UK.


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