Previous Episode: Caprese Salad
Next Episode: Haircuts - Shorts

This week, we're going back, back, and back one more time to the 1990s to visit everyone's favorite piece of failed technology, the Power Glove.  It's like a "Where are they now?" for inanimate objects.

Major big time awesome thanks to Ben Tippett for our fantastic intro this week.Spend more time with Ben by listening to his show, Titanium Physicist, in which he explains a complex topic in physics to a laymen.Tell Ben how great he is at @bnprimeThis ad is a gem born of it's time.What did you do with your old power glove?  This guy takes pictures with his.Tangent Alert:  We talk about this documentary.Also this Studs Terkel interview with the city planner Konstantinos DoxiadosWhat's more, Elizabethan England was a very quiet place.

Music by: | Steve Combs | BLAMMOS |

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