We have seen a revival of the laying on of hands, and of water baptism, but there is one final piece of this end times revival puzzle that is about to be released... In this Podcast, Brother Lou Engle shares what that next revelation is.

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We have seen a revival of the laying on of hands, and of water baptism, but there is one final piece of this end times revival puzzle that is about to be released... In this Podcast, Brother Lou Engle shares what that next revelation is.

If you would like us to address a certain news item - Contact us at: [email protected]




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#EncounterUnderground and @AlanDiDio!


- Encountertoday's Resources -

* GIVE: https://encountertoday.com/giving/

* Special Offer: https://encountertoday.com/special-offer

*FREE eCourse - https://ecc.thinkific.com/courses/the-secrets-of-solomons-success 


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