We touched on two main topics this week: When someone recommends a band to us, how do we dive into their catalog? Newest release first? Oldest? Their most popular? If a band has a big catalog, is it a deterrent from trying to get into the band? After that we spend a little time touching on what happens when you grow up and no longer can relate to music you may have loved in the past? Not only that, but what happens when you actively disagree with lyrical themes in your present that your past self may have liked? Can you still listen to the music? Should you? This leads into a bit of discussion on the contentious topic of art vs artist and the impact lyrics can have on your mind. I thought this episode ended up being a really interesting one that probably raises more questions than it answers -- but it sure was fun to think about.

Show Notes: absolutepunk.net/podcast/68

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Jason Tate

Drew Beringer

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