What sort of God shows his glory like this? (v11)

1. The Crisis: a people starved of joy (v1-5)

• Where is the Bridegroom?

• How things should be in the promised land (Song of Songs 5:1)

• “My Hour” (4:21,23; 5:25,28; 7:6,8,30; 8:20; 12:23,27; 13:1; 16:2,21; 17:1)

• “That Day” – a promised messianic banquet (Isa 25:6-9; Amos 9:11-15)

Follow the Sign:

2. Rich rejoicing waits for the Bridegroom’s hour (v6-12)

The sign itself (6-8)

• Lavish provision

• Water and cleansing (1:33; 2:6 3:5; 4:10; 5:7; [6:19]; 7:38)

• Fulfilment: from watery washing to potent rejoicing

The glory it points to (9-11)

• A true bridegroom and bringer of joy (made explicit from 3:29)

• Just a taste: we are saved in hope of a wedding feast to come