Continuing on with the theme of water, in this episode Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri plunge into the Waters of Death - the chaotic, deadly, stagnant waters that are the counterpoint to the lifegiving waters that were explored last episode. 

Throughout the bible, in Genesis, Exodus, the prophets and the gospel accounts, the power of water is revealed.  More than that, the power of the one true God is revealed as the One who can calm the waters, the One who can enter in to the destructive waters and emerge not only unharmed, but having also transformed them into healing waters.

In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons.  If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to and choosing a tier of support.  We would love to have you join our growing community!

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