The imagery of land and promised land in the Scriptures can be lost on those of us who live in lands of abundance.  But we must also be careful to understand that the promised land is not merely imagery.  It is a very real parcel of territory from which God's promises are shown to move out into the world.  

There can be a tendency amongst Christian to universalize everything, insisting on symbolism and downplaying the very concrete reality of the promises that were made to Israel.  However, as St Augustine tells us, in order for Christ to be the fulfillment of these promises, it is necessary that they were real in the first place.

In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons.  If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to and choosing a tier of support.  We would love to have you join our growing community!

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