Rosario Neaves is a 42-year-old San Antonio woman who became severely ill with long COVID 2 1/2 years ago, early in the pandemic. Since then, she’s made 16 emergency room visits and been hospitalized twice. She’s battled shortness of breath, pulse rates so high she feared a heart attack, intolerance to heat, and profound weakness that some days left her unable to get out of bed.
'Beyond my control': A San Antonio woman's two-year battle with long COVID
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Rosario Neaves is a 42-year-old San Antonio woman who became severely ill with long COVID 2 1/2 years ago, early in the pandemic. Since then, she’s made 16 emergency room visits and been hospitalized twice. She’s battled shortness of breath, pulse rates so high she feared a heart attack, intolerance to heat, and profound weakness that some days left her unable to get out of bed.


'Beyond my control': A San Antonio woman's two-year battle with long COVID

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