Overview: Imagine being one of a few dozen Emergency Medicine trained physicians responsible for the lives of millions in a vulnerable country. This is the practice and training environment faced on a daily basis by the noble Doctors who represent the first classes of Emergency Medicine Residents in Haiti. Take a moment to hear their stories and please continue to support Haiti’s first Emergency Medicine Residency program!

Host: Tiffany Proffitt DO, MABS Attending Honor Health

Guest Panel: 

Jacqueline Tin, MD, MPH, Vice Chair of the EMRA International Committee

Wesner Jacotin, MD, Emergency Medicine Resident at the University Hospital of Mirebalais, Haiti

Jose Moncricket, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician and former resident at the University Hospital of Mirebalais, Haiti

Suggested References:

The Hôspital Universitaire Mirebalais Residency will be the first EM training program in Haiti 

Reach out to the EMRA International Committee: [email protected] 

Key Points:

You can make a difference supporting the next generations of Emergency Medicine trained physicians on a global scale! Think beyond your own boarders and boundaries, join the International Committee!