In the latest episode of the Empowerography Podcast, my guest is Antonia Amede. In September of 2019, which was a very exciting year for Antonia, as she had also gotten married, Antonia began officially working for TTC as a transit operator. Unfortunately, that was short lived as she ended up getting into an accident and therefore her position was terminated. Antonia was devastated as she was grateful to have landed a career with TTC and saw it as an opportunity to turn her financial situation around and give her kids the life they deserved- the life she never had. She started to feel really depressed and there were even days where she did not want to get out of bed. That quickly changed when Antonia and her husband found out they were expecting yet another child. At that point Antonia felt like she had a choice to make; she could either continue to feel depressed and dwell on circumstances she couldn't change, or she could purpose in her heart and mind to do better with and take advantage of every day and every opportunity. By the beginning of 2020 everything was starting to change due to COVID-19 and during that time Antonia and was able to reflect was coming more to terms with the fact that she was most likely going to be a stay-at-home mom. She was also able to get in touch with her creative side. She started creating handmade soaps and lip balms at home with her kids and she really enjoyed doing it! As she started getting better, she gave samples to some close friends and received incredibly positive feedback! Be that as it may, Antonia did not think of turning her hobby into a business until late November of 2020, after intense research and serious consideration. December 16th 2020, Antonia courageously founded Gloss Haven, a handmade vegan and cruelty free lip gloss line. Gloss Haven’s mission is handmaking lip care products with originality, innovation and creativity.  Antonia hopes to inspire others, especially young women, to never give up even when things don't go as planned. She believes that everyone has a purpose, even if that purpose may not be what an individual initially had in mind. She wants to encourage others to be patient with themselves and to also be open minded, all while having faith and trusting the process! In this episode we discuss, lip gloss, fear, bullying, starting a business, giving back, self-care, self-awareness and mindset.

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"I'm a lip gloss person, I love lip gloss" - 00:04:27

"Negative self talk, feeling unworthy, feeling like I wasn't beautiful enough" - 00:12:21

"I think the most important thing I've learned is you can't please everyone" - 00:26:38

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