Who is at risk for gestational diabetes? How is it diagnosed? If I have gestational diabetes, how will it affect my pregnancy and my baby? What is the best way to manage my blood sugars? Will my baby be more likely to have diabetes in the future? How will it affect future pregnancies moving forward? 

We answer these questions plus so much more in this podcast!

We start by discussing diabetes mellitus and compare the different types. We review the pathophysiology of diabetes in a way that will make sense to everyone. We then breakdown more about gestational diabetes, how it is diagnosed, at what point your provider will typically test for it, what the test entails, which women are at an increased risk for developing gestational diabetes and the general management to expect.

We touch on the additional risks gestational diabetes may pose to the mother’s health followed by a review of the risks for the fetus while in utero and the baby at delivery. To close out this episode, we review some common feelings women with gestational diabetes experience and what providers and members of the care team can do to ease those feelings to ultimately optimize all of the outcomes for the mother and infant! 

The podcast episode is meant to serve as an adjunctive educational piece to summarize how gestational diabetes is diagnosed and how appropriate management does ultimately affect the mother’s health and that of her fetus. With a healthy collaboration between the healthcare provider and patient, mothers can feel supported and empowered as opposed to frightened and stigmatized leading to the most optimal outcomes for the mother and infant.

Empowering NICU Parents Show Notes: https://empoweringnicuparents.com/episode18/

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Website Link: https://empoweringnicuparents.com/episode18/