In this episode of The Empowering Dietitians Podcast, host and dietitian supervisor Jess Serdikoff Romola explores the concept of "abundance" - beyond a flashy feel-good hashtag and sentiment. Where does it come from, how is it manipulated by hustle culture to actually keep us stuck in the rat race, and what can we do to reclaim it in an aligned, authentic way? 

PLUS, if you're looking to explore the topics of "enough-ness" and getting out of scarcity on a deeper level, this is your last week to enroll in the upcoming Empowering Dietitians course, ABUNDANCE: a course designed for the burnt out & unhappy dietitian who is ready to say F.U. to hustle culture and reclaim their time, energy, and humanity. Check out the links below for more details :)

If you liked this episode, you may also like:

-Episode 77, Embracing Abundance and Messiness with Madeline Lasell:
-Episode 92, Dealing with Scarcity Mindset in Business with Kourtney Johnson:
-Episode 119, Let's Talk About Money Scarcity as Dietitians:

To connect with Jess and learn more about the support she offers: