In this episode of The Empowering Dietitians Podcast, host and dietitian supervisor Jess Serdikoff Romola sits down to unpack the hold that money has over us as dietitians. It's certainly a hot button topic, with feeling underpaid being a top pain point for many in the field, and an economic climate that is leaving a lot of us feeling, well...scarce and uncertain. Yet despite all of that scarcity, very few dietitians hold wealth or money as a core value. So why, then, does it seem to dominate all of our decisions? And how can we learn to have a more abundant, or secure relationship with money that allows us to make decisions in alignment with our true values and priorities -- without ignoring the fact that money is a necessity in our society? Listen in to hear Jess' take.

PLUS, if you're looking to explore the topics of "enough-ness" and getting out of scarcity on a deeper level, there's still one week left to pre-enroll in the upcoming Empowering Dietitians course, ABUNDANCE: a course designed for the burnt out & unhappy dietitian who is ready to say F.U. to hustle culture and reclaim their time, energy, and humanity. Check out the links below for more details :)

If you liked this episode, you may also like:

-Episode 39, Do You Feel Underpaid as a Dietitian?
-Episode 92, Dealing with Scarcity Mindset in Business:
-Episode 113, How Dietitians Can Advocate for More Respect, Value, and Compensation:

To connect with Jess and learn more about the support she offers: