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Ep. #239 - Unified Consciousness - A Solo Show with Your Host of Empowering Chats, Susan Burrell

I touch on some tough topics in this podcast. Many of you already know that I don’t shy away from saying what I feel and challenging all of my listeners to pause and pay attention. Today’s episode gets a bit heavy at times, however please don’t let that warning keep you from listening to this episode. Many of you also know that I always lean into hope and optimism. 

Okay, so here goes . . . most of you know me well enough by now to know that when I do my solo shows, I almost always have to look up the word I am focusing on for the month. And I do it not because I don’t know what the word means, but to see it in a different light and to review the actual dictionary definition of the word.

And so today I am focusing on Society. The formal definition, in part, reads as follows:  An organized group of people associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic or other purposes.

I find it interesting that the word “benevolent” was part of the descriptive term for society. With so much chaos and violence being perpetrated in society today, I am glad to see that benevolence can also be part of society.

A body of people living as members of a community can be kind, big-hearted and work together for the common good of all.

I believe we have reached a crux in our development of humanity, and I feel strongly that conscious choices need to be made if we are to survive as a thriving and loving society.

The society I want to live in is one where we collaborate and work together to make a better world. Where every individual has a voice. I believe we can all join in community in a way that is loving, nurturing, kind and benevolent. I know it is already occurring in pockets around the world. Violence and working against others is not the answer. I believe unified consciousness is the path forward. We need to live in diversity and honor the gifts we all carry.

It is time for a new start. It is time to change the narrative. And it has to start with you, with me, with the individual. I feel deeply that change and transformation starts here with the self. And then extends out to others in our community and globally to all who inhabit the world. The community gets richer when everyone in the circle expands and allows for creative flow.

To learn more about who I am and how I chose to show up in the world please visit my website: