Ep#247- The Vast Possibilites - A Solo Show with your host, Susan Burrell.

This has been an interesting year – especially for me. I can’t believe it’s October already. I have been on an inner journey of expansion for most of this year. In fact, our theme for this year is “BE Expansive.”  And when my Team and I pick the theme we never quite know where it is going to take us. Well I gotta say it’s been a wild ride this year filled with many challenges but also with inspiring “aha” moments too.

When I set the intention to be expansive it was also with the knowing that I wanted to make more connections and find new perspectives on how I view my life. And so, I ask you to also reflect on what has shown up for you during this path of expansiveness?

The theme for October is Vast or Vastness. Vast is defined as, “A very great area.” Words used to describe vast or vastness include: Intense. Boundless. Endless. Extensive. Sweeping.

What struck me about vastness was the idea of an empty vessel. The open expansiveness of what an empty vessel could hold. And it’s really not empty as it holds, what I believe is Consciousness or God or Source, whatever you want to call it. It goes by so many names. And this space is constantly contracting and expanding.

Focusing on the vastness or the largeness of consciousness and energy space can be overwhelming. I know I have felt overwhelmed at times and I have had to work hard to not fall into the negative polarization of standing in one belief system. A belief system that I believe is no longer functional.

I believe we are entering into expansion because the old way of doing things is shifting. The old belief system is falling apart. We are entering into a new soul growth as a planet and as humanity, and in this growth everything is changing. That is how we co-create.

Those that are committed to this transformation, which I believe are the light leaders are here to show us the change and to lead the way to a new humanity. I believe love is the high frequency that will change the topography of where we live. Forgiveness and gratitude are tools we can use to attain this high frequency of love. I believe that this kind of love will fill the vastness and become the vessel of possibility that is offered to each and every one of us.

Will you join me in being a light leader? Embrace love as the change agent?

If you are feeling stuck and need a nudge to get moving I highly recommend my book, “Live an Empowered Life: A 30-Day Journey.”  It’s a workbook filled with journaling prompts, inspirational quotes and affirmations – all put together to get you thinking about how you can empower your life and make conscious choices that will inspire you from within.

To learn more about how I show up in the world I invite you to visit my website: SusanBurrell.com

To purchase my book, "Live An Empowered Life: A 30-Day Journey" please visit: SusanBurrell.com/book