Do you often feel drained, exhausted, or with low energy? 

When you do, what do your friends, families, coworkers say to you? 
"Maybe you should drink more water"
"Are you exercising?"
"You should get more sleep."

This is all great advice.

But what if what was draining you wasn’t happening in your body, but was happening in your mind?

In this episode, we'll review how your thoughts impact your energy level, and we’ll provide you with 5 paradigms which will raise your energetic vibration. 

Now, a paradigm is not an absolute fact, but a guideline we hold as true. You are invited to make a paradigm shift and be open to adopting these 5 paradigms into your belief system. 

The goal is to exchange or upgrade stressful and negative thought patterns which are draining your battery with high vibrational thoughts that uplift and inspire you, and motivate you to take action. 

Here's a sneak peak of the 5 paradigms: 

Perfection is the mother of procrastinationThe problem exist to build your muscle Failures are more valuable than your successesCuriosity is the engine of achievementNourishment is about so much more than food