In this episode, my guest is the founder of My Body Couture, sharing her expert tips so that can rid ourselves of chronic pain and live a pain-free life.

Janis Isaman, the founder of My Body Couture, helps people feel better in their bodies. Like most business owners today, she sees clients online and in-person, and her specialty is helping people rid themselves of pain.   She’s highly certified in both fitness and nutrition modalities and has been quoted as a lifestyle expert in Reader’s Digest, Prevention and Woman’s Health.   But she’s not just a textbook of knowledge with a wall full of certifications. She’s a very real person, who has lived through her own lifestyle and body challenges.   In her one-to-one sessions, she, therefore, provides practical solutions for her clients, taking the time to get to know their lifestyle challenges and provide reasonable solutions with her lively personality and approachable manner.    This is a woman you want to know!


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Elephant Journal:




Victoria Lowell is a financial advocate, coach, international bestselling author of “Empower your Worth: A Woman’s Guide to Increasing Self-Worth and Net Worth.” and the founder of Empowered Worth, a financial-education platform that empowers women to become active participants in their own financial future and well-being. In late 2018 she left Wall Street and followed her passion to help women assert themselves fiscally. Her expertise in this field has led to her hosting this podcast, conferences and webinars, motivational speaking and being a guest on many tv, radio and podcast shows.

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