Discover • Manifest • Transform!

Recent Quantum biology, or Biophysics, research proves that our genetic make-up is malleable and is effected by electro-magnetic frequencies.  Biophysicist Dr. Bruce Lipton refers to this as "epigenetic."  The dictionary definition of epigenetic is, "resulting from external rather than genetic influences."

What this means is nobody is genetically predisposed to any illness, regardless of her or his medical family history.  However, we are affected by the intergenerational energetic frequencies of our families.  This is something that is being discussed more and more.  I refer to this phenomenon as the "Group Blocking Program."

In this episode, we will explore the mechanisms of the Group Blocking Program, as well as how to shift and transform their effects.

Please do join in the discussion by calling or connecting through our chat board! 

And as always, we invite you to empower your life with more Joy!

Together WE create the Shift!

One Love!