Whenever it is in your power to do good, regardless of how big or how small, it is important.

This is important.  

No one every thinks about risk until you lose, pain until it hurts, death… you might never get to think about that.

A fellow construction worker, a fellow entrepreneur, a fellow husband and father passed away very unexpectedly this weekend.
Chris Jaggars leaves behind an Amazing Wife, Amy,  and 2 Sweet Daughters and I can only imagine what they are feeling, scared, lonely, sad beyond words.

You and I can’t solve those pains. We can’t take that away, undo it, fix it, it is done.
We can go right now to the Go Fund Me page set up so that Amy doesn't have to worry about money… at least not right now.

Unfortunately, like most construction workers, Life Insurance wasn’t thing that Chris thought about. Sometimes when you're weighing all thing things you deem priorities, you think some things can wait… until they can’t.

If this podcast has brought you any value at all, big or small, please go now and donate to this family.

- Josh Levin  

Go To The Families GoFundMe Page To Donate Here.