Rabbi Raz Hartman is a teacher of chassidut and spirituality in many Torah institutions throughout Israel. He is also the founder and former spiritual leader of the world-famous "Va-ani Tefilah" Synagogue in Jerusalem. After meeting Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach while studying music in university, Raz began a journey to discover his Jewish roots and channel his musical gifts towards creating heartful, meditative, and spiritual music that would touch the souls of all who hear. He is a pianist, songwriter, and singer who has recorded three studio albums and has appeared as a guest on countless others.


Related episodes:

R' Shlomo Katz: Getting in Touch with the Song of our Souls

Rabbi/Musician R' Yonah Bookstein: Creating communities and reaching distant Jews with innovation and love


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Pick up a copy of Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum's second book, "The Four Elements of Inner Freedom: The Exodus Story as a Model for Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Personal Breakthroughs". You can order a copy on Amazon, in your local Jewish bookstore, or right here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://levx.org/event/the-four-elements-of-freedom⁠⁠⁠