This is the second part of a series delving deep into the Kabbalistic structure of the Pesach seder and some of the hidden message in the seder. In this episode we take a look at the 5th step of the seder called Maggid to understand the flow. We show how the term "night time" in the Hagaddah is a reference to exile and the message of the Exodus story is our ability to survive even in a long exile. We also look at the Kabbalistic significance of the number 4, and why so many parts of the seder revolve around this number.

Special Pre-Passover Deal on Rabbi Shlomo's book "The 4 Elements of Inner Freedom"!!! ⁠You can purchase the paperback version on Amazon Prime until Passover for 50% off!⁠

Previous Passover Episodes and Guests:

⁠Rav Gav Friedman: Passover and the Art of Engaging Your Audience in Jewish Ideas⁠

⁠Freedom, Femininity, and Family: Passover Insights with Rabbi Yonah Sklare ⁠

⁠Decluttering Your Home and Your Mind (for Passover and all-year round) with Rebekah Saltzman and Devorah Buxbaum⁠

⁠Relationship Secrets from the Passover Seder with Devorah Buxbaum (Part 1): Marriage⁠

⁠Relationship Secrets from the Passover Seder with Devorah Buxbaum (Part 2): Connecting with our Kids