This is the sixth of a monthly series based on the energy and wisdom of the Jewish calendar. Before the beginning of each of the Jewish months, we explore the central themes of that month and set our intention to how to fully tap in to the months energy and maximize its potential. This is the month of Nissan. It has the zodiac sign of Aries and is connected to the Tribe of Yehudah. What does all this mean for you and I? Join us for the ride!!! 

If you would like to delve deeper into the deeper significance of the Exodus story, enjoy these episodes: 

Passover and the Four Steps to Personal Breakthrough- Part 1

Passover and the Four Steps to Personal Breakthrough- Part 2

Passover and the Four Steps to Personal Breakthrough- Part 3

Passover and the Four Steps to Personal Breakthrough- Part 4

 This podcast is a project of The Lev Experience. To support the podcast please consider donating at, picking up a copy of Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum's book "The Four Elements of an Empowered Life", and, most importantly, subscribing and sharing the podcast with others. Thanks for listening!