This is the tenth of a monthly series based on the energy and wisdom of the Jewish calendar. Before the beginning of each of the Jewish months, we explore the central themes of that month and set our intention to how to fully tap in to the months energy and maximize its potential. This is the month of Elul. It has the zodiac sign of Virgo and is connected to the Tribe of Gad. What does all this mean for you and I? Join us for the ride!!!

To learn practical tools to make the most of the month of Elul and prepare for the High Holidays and a new year of growth, enjoy these  previous episodes from the Rosh Hashana Reboot Webinar with Rabbi Shlomo and Devorah Buxbaum:

Rosh Hashanah Reboot (Part 1): Reboot your Vitality

Rosh Hashanah Reboot (Part 2): Reboot your Mindset

Rosh Hashanah Reboot (Part 3): Reboot your Relationships

Rosh Hashanah Reboot (Part 4): Reboot your Spirituality