Ever find yourself in an endless tunnel of funk and end up "should-ing" all over yourself to get into action? Yes? We've all been there.

Today we're jamming out with Rachael Bradbury, intuitive life coach + healer, and she gives some super grounded advice on what to do when the sneaky shoulds creep up on you and how to instead gracefully navigate your way through feeling stuck and get to the other side.

Wanna connect with Rachael? Hit her up:

Insta: @rachael.bradbury

FB: Rachael Bradbury

Web: www.rachaelbradbury.com

HER NEW PODCAST! - #Relatable - check it out at https://hashtagrelatablepodcast.podbean.com/

If this episode struck a chord, share it on social media! Share it in your IG stories + tag me @caroline.addington_

Other links from this episode:

Deep Work by Cal Newport on Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Work-Focused-Success-Distracted/dp/1455586692

Cacao Conversation Replay Access - bit.ly/CacaoCatchUp

In this episode we talk about...

- Reprogramming how you view responsibility around money and masculinity

- Giving yourself compassion + choice when it comes to showing up consistently to your business + your vision

- How to know when you’re in avoidance and when you just need to give yourself some TLC and compassion

- The secret about shame [hint: it’s good news for you :) ]

- How to get yourself out of a shame storm

- What pattern interrupting is all about and how to do it yourself

- The benefit of legit expressing your extreme emotions

- Why you don’t need a photoshoot to have a bomb ass instagram presence

- How to be at peace with where you are on your journey

- Practical advice on how to share your journey publicly while you’re still on it