THIS IS SO JUICY! This episode breaks down how you need to show up on social media to build an expertise + become KNOWN in your niche.

No, you don't have to go get featured in Forbes. No, you don't need to go be on every podcast. No, you don't need another certificate.

This is the real deal and you can start doing this things like TUHDAY.

I also share with ya a little bit about the upcoming FREE Storytelling Challenge starting on Jan. 6th - link to sign up is here:

And I GEEK OUT on the community membership that I'm gonna be announcing *formally* in mid-January. If you know that you're ready to get your content game figured out once and for all - get on the waitlist, sister friend :) psst - there's an extra bonus for the waitlisters.

Join the waitlist here -

In this episode, I jam out on...

- the 3 keys that you need to get on lock in order to become known for something specific

- EXACTLY what it means to create valuable content and how you can up your game to provide more value

- how to repeatedly jam on a topic in your content without sounding like a broken record

- the specific mindset shift that will create NATURAL momentum for you in developing your expertise

If this episode turned on some lightbulbs for you, take a screenshot and share it on your IG stories! tag me @caroline.addington_

Wanna get in on the weekly hands-on workshops in the FAM JAM FB group? We want you there too! Join here -