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Episode 9 - iPad Apps for Businesses and Pros

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Database Collaboration Tool

Airtable FileMaker Ninox

Managing Devices

JAMF - Manage Multiple Mac, iPads, and iPhonesMore Details 

Managing Software and Disk

DaisyDisk - Manage and Visualize Disk SpaceHomebrew - Command Line Application Package Installer

Creative Apps

Adobe Creative Cloud - Includes Photoshop, Illustration, Audition, Premier and more...Ulysses - Distraction Free Writing AppFiLMiC Pro - Professional Video Recording AppFiLMiC Remote - Companion App for FiLMiC Pro

Marketing Apps 

Buffer - Manage Social Media QueuesFacebook Page - Manage Your Facebook PageGoogle Analytics - Visual Your Analytics from your PhoneWordpress - Post to and Edit Your WebsiteMailChimp - Manage your Email List and CampaignsZoom - Conference Calling App

Communication and Todo Apps

FullContact - Manage Multiple Different Address BooksSlack - Chat ApplicationDoodle - Setup Polls, especially for MeetingsTodoist - Todo app, pro version includes sharing of tasks

Finances Apps

Quickbooks - Business AccountingGenius Scan - Scan Documents From Your PhoneReceipt Bank - Scan Receipts and Hook up to your QuickbooksExpensify - Scan Expense Receipts and Hook up to your QuickbooksWave - Business AccountingPaypal - Transfer Money

Music by Bimbotronic from Fugue

Thanks to our monthly supporters

Steven Lipton

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