Previous Episode: Working Parents

Should HR be more involved in the design and rollout of workplace technology?

Will modern technology force us to replace roles (performed by people) with functions (performed by people, technology, robots and algorithms)?

At what point do employees start to resent technology impinging on their jobs? When it can do 10%, 20% or 30% of their role faster and better than they can?

These are just some of the questions we explore in this episode on workplace technology and its impact on employees. Jonathan Rennie and Sarah Maddock in our employment team are joined by Emma Erskine-Fox from our data privacy and cybersecurity team.

We dig into this complex topic and highlight the issues HR and legal teams need to be aware of, and share our thoughts, cases and practical tips.

Our news section covers a rare case where the tribunal gave some useful advice and a stark warning against allowing your equalities training to go “stale”.

Our listener’s question asks about dismissal and reengagement or “firing and rehiring”, which has become increasingly popular during the pandemic. Read our short guide to this practice

Note: since we recorded this episode, the court in the Netherlands has ordered Uber to reinstate the five British drivers who were struck off by robot technology.

Send us your questions and we'll answer them in a future episode – email [email protected] or Tweet us using the hashtag #TLTemploymentpodcast and tag @TLT_Employment

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