Before we get started today, the Employer Blueprint Podcast would like to share with you a free resource we have created to help you develop your leadership skills. The free resource consists of the four strategies that great leaders use to increase retention, build loyalty amongst their team, and help them lead high-performing teams. You can get this free download by visiting This completely free resource also comes with an offer for our online training course. Visit the website today for your free download.

Have you ever wish there was a formula to help you succeed in business? There are many statistics out there that talk about when and why businesses fail.  It’s been said that 50% of businesses will fail in the first five years, and 70% in the first 10 years, and many business owners try hard not to land in one of those statistics. Today’s guest on The Employer Blueprint Podcast has created a 6 step process to avoid being one of those statistics. In this episode Kyle and Allison Vidotto break down a couple of the six areas, and really dive in to how Alison helps Small Businesses avoid these pitfalls. 

According to her website, Alison has a goal to help other small business owners to have long term success through business training and mentoring offered by her companies, Vidotto Group and Push! Training, where she is the CEO. Alison Vidotto is a business trainer and mentor, published author, professional speaker, and the founder of the Australian Charity for the Children of Vietnam. On January 21st 2020, Alison will offer a free training webinar that will cover Small Business success strategies, and you can join that webinar by visiting the website above and clicking the pop up link for the free webinar. 

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