Previous Episode: EP 33, Damion Lupo
Next Episode: EP 35, Alex Melvin

Business Playmakers podcast is proud to present the owner of 54 Pizza Express, Cindy Tong. Cindy has been the owner of 54 Pizza Express for 30 years, and anyone in the restaurant industry knows this is an amazing accomplishment. When asked what she attributes to her success, Cindy will tell you it all came from having a good work ethic. That work ethic is what lead Cindy to success from the humble beginnings as a waitress where she earned fifty cents an hour for a small restaurant owned by a friend’s family. Cindy was eventually trusted with helping in other areas of the restaurant including managing and book work, and also asked to help open other restaurants for other family members of the owners. Another trait that Cindy possesses is a “can do” attitude and as challenges and opportunities arose, she was always the first to take on the task with an unmatched amount of positive energy. Growing up poor and willing to work multiple jobs, Cindy was at one point going to school, and working three places. While delivering pizzas for a national franchise, Cindy was asked to go into management, and eventually became a Franchise Consultant in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Cindy learned some valuable lessons as a Franchise Consultant where she was responsible for the communication between a franchisee who owned a hundred stores, and the corporate office. Even though Cindy was very successful, she became home sick, and decided to move back to her home town, where she met 2 other investors and opened her own restaurant. 30 years later and minus one of the investors, Cindy now owns 2 restaurants known as 54 Pizza Express, and she is now in the process of mentoring others who are interested in one day being restaurant owners. 

Welcome to Business Playmakers, the podcast that meets with innovators, trailblazers, and leaders to learn about their experience and what success really means. Hosted by entrepreneur and leadership coach, Kyle Gorman. 

Business Playmakers is presented by Employer Blueprint.

Employer Blueprint is dedicated to management and leadership development through one on one coaching and group seminars. You can find free resources from Employer Blueprint through YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. For more information simply visit


References and Resources

The Bible

Dave Ramsey

Dale Carnegie