In this episode Ashley Phillips and Miro LaFlaga join the show to talk about their creative journey. The couple started a creative agency years ago and we unravel the start and the steps it took to create Six Cinquieme (@sixcinquieme). Their character traits make a great combination as well as the foundation of their relationship. As a couple they have been able to grow the agency in numbers as well as exposure. They’ve been on an episode of The Futur, probably the biggest creative agency on social media, lead by Chris Do. We talk about how they got that interview and what social skills are helpful for such situations. Ash & Miro are community driven, they always want to give something back. They create workshops for students to help them with their journey and the struggles they face. Ash & Miro share their failures and roadblocks to show it’s a normal path if you want to create growth and better yourself. All in all a packed episode with two of the most stylistic people I know. Enjoy the show!

The question of the episode is:

If you knew that everything you know up to now was a lie, would you start all over?

Let us know!

Six Cinquième can be found here:



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The Empathy Explorers Podcast is available on all podcast platforms.
