Joshua Scodel is Helen A. Regenstein Professor of English and Comparative Literature at The University of Chicago. His research focuses on early modern English literature in relation to classical literature and philosophy, and to intellectual, cultural and political history. He is the author of The English Poetic Epitaph: Commemoration and Conflict from Jonson to Wordsworth (Cornell University Press, 1991) and Excess and the Mean in Early Modern English Literature (Princeton University Press, 2002), and of numerous articles on topics ranging from Donne and Jonson, to English translations of classical and continental lyrics, Cavalier love poetry, Interregnum retirement literature, the Restoration Pindaric ode, the English lyric 1650-1740, seventeenth-century English literary criticism, and Dryden's critical principles. This paper, ‘The Poetics of Care in Seventeenth-Century England’ was delivered at a conference on ‘Art and Affect’ at The University of Queensland in July 2017.