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"My biggest achievement was believing in myself that I'm good and that I can do that. And I can do some really good work, because for me photography, it's therapeutic, not only for the model, but also for myself."

Have you ever wished you could just strip away all of the trappings, go back to the absolute basics, start over and just reveal your raw, vulnerable self? No Photoshop, no worries about how many likes or followers you have - just simplicity and honesty and beauty. Steve Mendes started his career as a photographer in the fashion world - big shoots, makeup and fancy cars and entire teams - and then he stopped.

He explored urban scenes - abandoned buildings, old castles, gorgeous spaces where he forged a new relationship with composition and light. He found his voice, he focused in, and shoots now with natural light, usually in his kitchen in Belgium. He gave up the quest for likes and social media accolades, and found a way to express himself as an artist, to produce extraordinary images, to forge genuine collaborations.

Art for me is expressing yourself with your soul, finding yourself inside of yourself. Finding your Self.

- Steve Mendes

See more of Steve's work on on PhotoVogue and follow him on instagram.


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