So there I was, home from my second hospitalisation with Diabetic Ketoacidosis, physically frail, very underweight and emotionally traumatised. I had my diagnosis of LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults) and was left to sort out my new life as an insulin dependant person. 

Chronic illness isn't just the physical issues though. The emotional issues can be the biggest challenge of all, especially when your life has changed so dramatically and being a Type 1 Diabetic is my biggest challenge yet.

In this episode, I share how I overcame all the fear and doubt and walk you through my process and experience at what recovery and acceptance of illness is like for me.

Kerry Jeffery is a Coach, Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist helping clients all around the world to overcome the emotional issues of living with chronic illness.

She lives in Melbourne, Australia along with Hashimoto's, Celiac, Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Type 1 Diabetes.

Find out more about Kerry and her Therapy programs here.

Book your FREE online Discovery Session with Kerry here.

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